Library Board

The library board meets the third Wednesday of the month at 4pm in the Community Room, lower level of the library.

There are nine library board members. It consists of:

  • Six city representatives appointed by the Mayor of the City of Merrill.
  • Two county representatives appointed by the Chair of the County Board.
  • Superintendent of Merrill Area Public Schools or their appointee.

Members of the Library Board

Mike Geisler


Darcy Dalsky

Financial Secretary

Audrey Huftel

City Appointee

Elizabeth McCrank

County Board Rep

Chris Grunenwald

City Appointee

Barbara Rothisberg

City Appointee

Mark Weix

City Council Rep

Katie Breitenmoser

County Appointee

Ryan Martinovici

MAPS Representative

Trustee Responsibilities
  1. Understand the Roles and Laws Governing Wisconsin Public Libraries and Library Boards
  2. Prepare for and Attend Regular Board meetings
  3. Obtain Adequate Library Funding and Assist with the Library Budget
  4. Hire and Supervise the Library Director
  5. Develop and Approve Library Policies
  6. Meet the Service Needs of the Community
  7. Advocate for the Library